Tuesday, November 16, 2010


You can now buy notecards in the store. :) ALL the inventory is up to date, pics on facebook.

Azilda and Cartier shows are DONE! :)

NEXT STOP = Chelmsford Mall (Place Bonneavanture) Nov. 22-28. I hope to see you there and bring a friend!

Please remember, and pass this along! I still collect used stamps and campbell soup labels (UPC intact please). These people normally throw out, we use them to do good in the community so why not turn recycling into opportunities to do a good thing? ^_^

You can mail them to:
Box 405
Levack, ON Canada

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

temp addy for new site.

the new site... ok, for now, the domain is still pointing to the old site, here's the addy to the new. :) http://www.ladybughug.webs.com/ there is purchasing on here, the artwork is up WITH prices.


ladybughugs.ca is getting a MAJOR facelift. When the domain name is updated, and you enter www.ladybughugs.ca you should see the new site. :) enjoy.

Friday, September 24, 2010


hey everyone! Calvacade of colors is already here!

This weekend, sept. 25/26 -9am - 5pm at the Dowling Leisure Center. come see us! we'll be waiting for you, rain or shine!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TeddyBear Beads...

Once in a while, you come accross an exceptional seller, that has diamond standards, both in customer service, and in quality! Such sellers, that excel time and again are not always the norm nowadays. A lot of companies out there are there for the penny, not for the customer who brings the penny. This is definitely NOT the case with this classy Lady. The amount of choice you have, some hard to find items, some really cute and funky beads, all accompanied by very reasonable prices, and just as reasonable shipping. I've had the pleasure and priviledge of dealing with Catherine, owner of TeddyBearBeads, and I must say I'm more and more impressed every time! She ROCKS! TeddyBearBeads is on American Soil. :) You can find her here:  http://stores.ebay.ca/teddybearbeads

Then, I got lucky TWICE! HA! I found another exceptional seller in Canada this time! They say that the Quebec people are one of the most warm and welcoming kind of people, and this other classy Lady-mom sure lives up to the name! Meet Daphne, of Le Cotillon. She has an extensive inventory of pretty much anything you need, and she does not have it, she'll do her best to get it (even FIMO ;) Service is beyond reproach, and her sense of humor is to be reckoned with! You can find Daphne and her droolable-over beads here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/LeCotillon

Both these ladies much deserve a visit. Shipping is super fast, and well packaged. And they both stand behind what they sell! I will definitely be back, to both stores (phew, thankfully they don't sell the same things either LOL!) My hats off to you ladies! You rocketh! Cyn

Monday, August 30, 2010

New Skills, and yes, its been a while!

Hi there! Yes, I'm still part of the world of the living!

After I had to bring Goldie in to the vet that one last time, I basically shut down. I didn't want to DO anything, much less create any jewelry, or learn anything. Then, I was given a gift, a new dog. Between 8-10 months of age, I got him at the local shelter, and his name is DewDrop (or Dewey for short). Part shepherd/lab mix, he's one smart cookie, and a total goofball. In two days he learned his (new) name, and to stay at the door and not rush out like a madman. He's also getting me walking. Truth be told, I'm actually on most days when I'm feeling semi normal, looking forward to the walks. We were blessed the first week with cool dry weather (no ashtma attacks for moi!) but the week after, I came down with crappy stuff, and was out of commission. My neighbor built my gate/fence, so the pup (and I) can play out in the yard. (not that he really needs me to stay entertained!)

That being said, I got the wrapping bug! Wire wrapping that is! I was desperately wanting to learn to wrap RINGS! everyone wants rings! I want a special colors of Faith ring (which I made). and I've already gotten some orders coming in! WOOT! I've posted all the new pics on my facebook account, and you should be able to see them here -> http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=330384&fbid=1174382696095&id=1723915852

Feel free to look at the other albums, facebook currently has the most up to date inventory. Note that the NEW stuff is NOT inventoried YET. (it is for sale, just ask me :) I'm planning on being at the Calvacade of Colors in Sept. and I really hope to see new and old faces there! I will have a BUNCH of new stuff, some awesome sets that are getting me working out of my comfort zone (like... pink/brown, fall colors, GREEN (EEEP!) and aqua/brown). I do NOT like green normally, but I like this new set.) I'll post pics here a bit later, but for now, come see me on FB, and drop me a line. ^_^

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I had to say goodbye to my baby-girl on Friday. She's in Heaven now, with Gorbie, and my mom, and so many other beloved Pets. I'll get another dog, eventually, but it will never replace Goldie.

I did go to the Capreol Craft Show, and it was a success. Word is getting around, and people are starting to recognize the stuff, the name, and even my artwork. Kinda of a nice boost really. It was a blessing, the timing, I didn't dwell on Goldie's passing (until I got home).

Next stop, Calvacade of Colors, end of September.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


THIS SATURDAY! in Capreol! Come see me :) for more info check out the Capreol site: http://www.capreol.info/

Hope to see you there! I'm nervous but pretty much ready! (as ready as I can be anyways lol!) ^_^

Friday, July 23, 2010

A new collection, for your perusal

So my sister in law tells me, Cyn, you should make a charm bracelet with those birds and birdhouses (they were hanging on the large charm display). The more I thought about it, the more she was right. (don't you just HATE admitting someone's right?) lol!

So, I came up with a few pieces, not starting with the birds or the birdhouses but with more... delicate and feminine tones (ie, PINK!) I named the pieces My Secret Garden Collection. I love to garden, and the name sounded just perfect. So, here are the pics of the new items. They will be for sale at the next craft show (Capreol, Ontario, July 31st)

I plan on making more of these, in various colors. The three blue ones, that I made on Thursday, took me about 6 hours in all. I have enough spare "dangles" to make a 4th one, or maybe I'll end up making a rainbow one (wouldn't that be cool?)

My Secret Garden Collection - Butterflies singing the Blues
My Secret Garden Collection - White dove nesting
(those charms on the earrings are actually bird nests with eggs ^_^)
My Secret Garden Collection - Lil' blue bird in a lil' blue house
My Secret Garden Collection - Butterfly blooms
My Secret Garden Collection - Hearts and Roses

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Colors of Faith, what its all about.

When I first became a Christian, a little over a year ago, I came across what some people call the wordless book. This book was so simple. It had 5 pages, each a different color. I looked it up on the net, and I was hooked with the concept.

Each color represents something in Christianity. Some websites had added 2 extra colors, and this made perfect sense to me. Ever since, I've been making Colors of Faith jewelry, donating most of it, either to friends, or at our chapel's baptisms, and once to a complete stranger. You see, this method of "showing" you are a Christian is not only tasteful, but intriguing, and who knows it may open doors for the wearer to witness to the person asking questions about the jewelry piece in question.

So, here is what the colors actually stand for.

Black = Sin
Red = Blood of Christ
White = Purity (that we get through the blood of Christ)
Green = New growth in Christ
Blue = Baptism (Rebirth)
Purple = Majesty of Christ
Gold/Yellow = Represents the streets of Gold of Heaven, and also, especially, the Light of Christ as He guides our way.
Sometimes I add a clear bead, to represent the Holy Spirit.

Its simple, but it makes so much sense when you think about it!

God Bless!

New stuff for the craft show in Capreol (July 31st)

So, I've been seriously busy setting up the stuff on the awesome displays my dad made me. Time consuming, but quite worth it. My goal is to be completely ready to go by this Sunday (I'm making a dry run at his place, to see how portable (or not) the displays are. But of course, when inspiration strikes (in this case Lynn was my inspiration for the colors of Faith in this post) you strike while the iron is hot. So, enjoy the new pieces, they will be available at the Capreol show, and if they don't sell, in the store after.

also, Please keep Goldie in your prayers. She has a sore on one of her tumors. :(  I refuse to give up on her but... I fear the time is coming near.

Dance of the Blue Butterflies (This piece is sold, but I'd be happy to make you a similar one)
Colors of Faith set
This is part of a new collection I'm starting. "My Secret Garden", This one is Hearts and Roses.
This is part of a new collection I'm starting. "My Secret Garden", This one is called "Pink Butterflies"
Colors of Faith set
Colors of Faith earrings 
Colors of Faith earrings

I like these. Simple, dainty, but cute.

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Item in the store!

Hi there! Well I finally got around to posting some pictures, of which I sell prints of, in the store.

There's only a few right now, as I'm finishing inventorying all the jewelry items, but I do have about 150 pictures or so of which I'll offer prints, PLUS the artwork, which I DID have done in prints - and let me tell you, AWESOME!

I've been doing photography for since about '89 or so, took it in Visual Arts Concentration at the high school I went to, had the BEST photo teacher EVER! Ms. Claire Guillemette-Lamirande! I loved (and still do!) her to pieces! She I think, understood me better than I did myself, and saw a troubled teen and offered an "easy" way to resolve issues, and pushed me to better myself in photography. We did the whole thing then, dark room, roll your own negatives, develop them, blow up your prints (trying not to blow up the darkroom ;) I LOVED it. ONE day, I will have my own darkroom in my home. It was black and white then, the old manual 35mm. But it taught me a lot, and so did she. Thanks Claire! I will never forget you! :)

I've since moved on, to digital. I had a 12X kodak for a while. Broke after less than a year. So, I jumped at the chance to switch to a Canon Rebel XS, and the best part about this baby is, you CAN go manual, AND switch lenses! awesome! now if I can get my hands on a good zoom and a good macro, I'll be happy. :) I'm posting a couple of pics below. I've had some pretty good reviews of the stuff I've taken so far, and if anyone is looking for something particular, I'm happy to give it a shot!

For the past 2 years, I've also photographed the baptisms at my local chapel, and its a blast. The first year, I got dunked, I mean, baptised, but I still ended up taking over 500 shots (did I mention I'm a shutterbug?) this year, I kept it "in check", and only took 327. I know I know. LOL! I make a CD each year (a DVD actually), and hand it out to the people that were there, free of charge. The only reason I can do this, is through the grace of the Lord.

Enjoy the pics, and as usual, comments are welcome! If you'd like to purchase a print, please see the store, or email me if there's a picture that is not yet in the store. The prints are 4X6" - $5, 5X7" - $7, 8x10" - $15, 11x17"- $35 - Other sizes are available, prices vary on size. ^_^ Note that I normally (rarely) edit my pics with colors and special effects, but I've discovered Picasa, and well, I'm in love :)

The flowers for the most part are from my own flower beds, with a few exceptions (those would be from my neighbors). The geese and horses are not mine :) but the Dog is, that is my beloved Goldie. I think she was watching my father drive away. The butterfly was taken June 20th, 2009, on my baptism day. It won 1st prize in a weekly contest held in the Sudbury Star. ^_^

I'm always looking for places to take interesting pictures. So if you know somewhere that would have such opportunities, especially flowers, animals and wildlife, please let me know! This gorgeous horse, my friend and I got lost leaving my dad's place in Hanmer, and I turned on the wrong road. These guys came right up to the fence, (which was right by the road) and we got to pet them and everything. It was an awesome experience (I'm also a horse freak!) ^_^

Sunday, July 11, 2010

You know you have an awesome dad when...

My dad likes to make things. He's always adjusting, or building, or finagling on something. Well, I asked him to make me a display for my craft shows (after the disastrous layout of the last one). Here are some pics of what his Awesomeness came up with! :) Thanks Dad, you're awesome!

The black swivel things above and the white plastic thingy will come in very handily too, he found those at a great deal. The rest of the displays he made! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Next craft show!

Good day to you!
I know I know, its been a while! Well, let me just say, soy sauce and laptops do NOT mix ok? take it from me, its a very expensive lesson to learn (I stir fried the laptop!)

On to the good news! I'll be at a craft show in Capreol, July 31st, from 9:30am - 5pm. This show is also knows as Capreol days. I can't wait, and hope to see you there!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Craft show results

WOOT! wow, we were busy people! It was awesome, and I enjoyed meeting, new and "old" customers alike, and talking with them! Got some pretty awesome feedback on my artwork, (painting AND jewelry) and that well, makes it really worth it! We got to talk to some fellow Christians, and the cancer related items racked up 20$ that was donated to a run for cancer. I had help from Lynn, my amazing, talented, and very excellent friend!

Next show? don't know when, but I'll post! and I need to get some displays set up to show ALL the stuff I have (muwahaha!)

Thanks to all who visited! ^-^

God bless!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sudbury Crafts/Yard/Bazaar sale!

Ladybughugs will be at the downtown Sudbury bazaar/yard sale on May 29th, 2010, 9am-3:30pm! come see us, we'll have tons of stuff for you to choose from! :)

Visit the link below to find out more about where it is, time, and what its all about!

I'm so glad and SO very much excited! I will have a friend help me out this time around, and I plan on bringing some of the new stuff/creations I've been working on :) I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mother's day special!

20% of your entire order in my store! Perfect for Mother's Day. I will most likely be attending a craft show end of May, so if there is something you like/want, buy it now! Use the coupon code "mom" to take advantage of this sale!

I'm also trying to see if I can help raise money for a friend who's doing radiation, and has no insurance (she's in the States), she needs a place to stay, and a LOT of TLC! So that 20% is going to go to her! If you're interested in donating, even 1$ or 2, please msg me and pass this along! Thanks!


Monday, March 22, 2010

we have Winners! WOOHOOOO!

The draw has been made! Thank you for everyone who entered. There were 3 people for the blog/Twitter, and 10 for the store. (its a start lol!) The winners (Angela and Christine K) will be emailed, and those who entered will also be emailed with a little something :) Thanks everyone! There will be more, so if you register on BOTH sites, (and on twitter too) you get MORE chances to win... :)

Last chance for the contest!

Last chance to register for the contest guys! The Gift Certificates are getting drawn March 22nd (tonight for me) at 11:59 pm EST so get out there and sign up! Its free! The info is right on my profile! good luck!


and remember the 10% coupon is good til March 31st...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

New bracelet up for grabs on Facebook


I call it dance of the butterflies! Check it out on FB for all the details :) Here's a preview... Make me an offer.

we're now on Twitter

I've never used it, but I figured it can't hurt, and it may actually pass the word around about what I do... take a look, stop by and say hi!

 ladybughugsca is the username

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ONLY four Days left

That's right! only four days left til the draw is made! (on the 22nd) so please remember to register here if you've not, and/or in the store (www.ladybughugs.ca) and pass the word around (please :)

I can't wait to see who wins! gogogo!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

We are GO and we are LIVE!

Its all done! ALL the inventory has been uploaded, and edited and all the little details taken care of!

So, now for the BIG grand opening special! There will be a draw on March 22nd, for a 10$ Gift certificate (actually 2), one will be drawn from everyone who has posted/registered HERE. One will be drawn from everyone who has opened an account at my store. Both are free, I mean, THIS IS a free lunch! :)

www.ladybughugs.ca (NOW OPEN)

To celebrate, as promised, I've added a 10% discount sale on ALL items in the store! Simply enter MARCH in the coupon code (at checkout) to take advantage of this! One coupon per person, 5$ minimum please!

Please take a couple of minutes, and pass this to your contacts, your friends and family! It would MUCH appreciated! There will be another promotion on TOP of the draw, to celebrate the Final GRAND opening! Come and see :) Make your mom's day list, or Christmas list, there's even a WISH list on there! Talk about making it easy for people to shop for you!... hehe!

Cheers! Cynthia

Saturday, March 6, 2010

All inventory uploaded!

We're making progress. Its 3:33am as I write this, (yes, I am nuts). I've uploaded ALL the inventory, I just need to edit certain details before I make the items public.

I've also noticed some issues with discounts and coupons. (please read the announcement on the "front page" of the store site. The discounts for some reason are not being applied. I will have to refund manually, until Auctiva figure out what is going on. The same goes for coupons! (ARGH!) So, please be patient!

Also, there is a promotion going on NOW, register at the store (and on here!) its FREE! This will give you the chance to win one of two 10$ gift certificate, usable on anything in the store! The draw will be held on the official grand opening day. Two people will win a certificate, one on the store site, and one on here. So register. Like I said, its free! (what have you got to lose?) :)

UPDATE on the Haiti fund raiser. We raised a total of 30$! way to go! It may not seem like much, but considering how this store is still baby stepping, I think its AWESOME! Thanks SO MUCH!

Ok, gotta hit the hay, crazy weekend ahead! :) But the beads, they are calling! ;)

Hope you have a safe, happy and blessed weekend! Cyn

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Here's why I've not been posting lol!

WOO! The store is GROWING in leaps and bounds!

I've been workin' like a beast, adding stuff, editing stuff, taking pictures and tons of them! and of course, trying out the new beads I get in and making things with them! (I'm such a bead addict!)

Added recently (from most recently to last) are:

  • ALL the non magnetic bracelets - there is something for EVERYONE!
  • Charity sets! 5$ off each set goes to Samaritan's purse (in this case, the sets are for Haiti, but other charities will be added as I go along!) There are Haiti sets, and cancer sets (and cancer "single" pieces too!
  • Bracelet/Earring sets - this are perfectly matched sets and they are kissed with a touch of spring (well, for the most part - until that day we had a nasty storm :-O  )
  • Full sets and necklaces - you HAVE to check these out. Most of the sets come with Necklace/Earrings and bracelet. Some have just the necklace/earrings or necklace bracelet (I can easily add the missing "piece" if you're interested). Some are just plain necklaces. Some of my best ever work are in these. Most of the sets take a _minimum_ 10 hours to complete (at the very least). But the results! wow!
  • And of course, the earrings were added first, but wait! not all of them are there. So, come back, often!

Next stop is:

Magnetic Bracelet! Apparently very good for arthritis and joint pain (I'm no doc, so don't quote me, but ancient peoples have used magnets for a lot longer than we've been around! KEEP AWAY from watch batteries!

Cell phone charms, zipper pulls (that can SUPER easily be converted to a cell charm!) and STITCH markers! (for that yarn addict in your family or circle of friends who has it all!)

I've also added categories galore, and you can select the colors category, and then the colors you are looking for! I'm trying to make it as simple for people to find stuff! And I've also discovered a way to make listing stuff a LOT easier!

And lastly, I'm going to start adding "cross-selling", which basically will show you on the page of the item you are looking at, relevant items to the one you are (perhaps) going to buy.

I've also implemented volume discounts for MOST items, for example items that are 6$ (be it earrings or bracelets) you can get one for 6$ or two (be it 2 bracelets or 1 earrings 1 bracelet) for 10$ (as long as they are the same price.) The only category this will not apply for are the cell charms etc. Its more for the jewelry. There is a discount for 8$ items, 3$ items, and probably others too...

I also plan on doing a monthly charity gig, where a certain percentage will go to a charity of choice.

As it stands, any items with cancer beads/charms have 5$ that go to cancer research.
I will add more, and offer monthly or even weekly sales, to help my customers save money, AND help others in general at the same time! (how cool is that?)

So, come take a peek! the store is ONLINE now, its rarin' to go, just waiting for browsers to come and buy!

When the magnetics and charms are all in, I will hold a huge sale to launch the store!

And lastly, if you need jewelry or charms for a charity event in your area, please feel free to contact me. I will either sell you the items or perhaps even donate them to you (I need a charity receipt however). I'm always glad to help!

Hoping and praying you all have an awesome day! God Bless!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

WOOT! we are back ONLINE and OPEN for business!

I'm on a ROLL people, just call me BUTTER! (not parkay ok?)

SO! The store is OPEN! come one come all! Register for the newsletter. I plan on sending my registered customers special deals ONLY available to them... (and no I won't spam, promised!)

I'm adding the earrings to start with. I've about 120 pairs to add, with about 40 done so far! Then, we'll see which comes next.

There are St-Patrick/Shamrock stuff, with more to come!

On the main page, I've listed all the changes and updates I've made to the store, including the new flat rate shipping fee, (instead of all the messing around with Canada post!), new discount deals and more!

You can also select what kind of items you'd like to see by the (many) categories on the left hand side, and this now includes Colors! If you click on the Colors category, in the central part (where the items are usually listed), there will be all the different colors that are currently used within my items. Click on the color you want (say Blues) and VOILA! all the blue stuff comes up! :) You can also use the search engine to find what you're looking for!

Please remember, if you don't find what you're looking for, or have an idea for a piece, I'd be happy to work something out with you! Also, if you'd rather wear posts or hooks (and the item you are drooling over has the other) drop me a line, and I'll switch them up for you!

Little tip of the day! I've found out through experimenting that hooks CAN be used with metal earnuts (like the ones used on post earrings!) and that way, you don't lose your precious goodies :) BUT, please try this on BEFORE you put the earrings on, so you're SURE the earnut will come off. I did this with a pair of new butterfly earrings, and one came off no prob, but the other! yeeesh! I had to CUT it off! (now that is scary lol!) You've been warned! so! COME SEE ME! Comments and questions are always welcomed!

Cheers! and may the Lord bless you!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A new blog site, lets hope this one does NOT get deleted!

So I was on another blog, and I get home from church, and lo and behold, my account was deleted because of spam? WHAT? and apparently, I only had links in my blog? I wonder what all the text was then.

I'm sorry, but I'm having a crappy ... month! I had to put Gorbie down on Friday, then they go and pull this stunt! Thanks guys! So, I'm gonna post here, instead, even though I realize people sometimes have a hard time leaving comments. Sorry folks, but this is until the store is up and running. :(

What a joke. So, anyways... Here are a couple of creations... they will be available at the online store soon (or email me if you want them NOW).


The sleepy sheep have found a new Shepherd :)