Wednesday, July 28, 2010


THIS SATURDAY! in Capreol! Come see me :) for more info check out the Capreol site:

Hope to see you there! I'm nervous but pretty much ready! (as ready as I can be anyways lol!) ^_^

Friday, July 23, 2010

A new collection, for your perusal

So my sister in law tells me, Cyn, you should make a charm bracelet with those birds and birdhouses (they were hanging on the large charm display). The more I thought about it, the more she was right. (don't you just HATE admitting someone's right?) lol!

So, I came up with a few pieces, not starting with the birds or the birdhouses but with more... delicate and feminine tones (ie, PINK!) I named the pieces My Secret Garden Collection. I love to garden, and the name sounded just perfect. So, here are the pics of the new items. They will be for sale at the next craft show (Capreol, Ontario, July 31st)

I plan on making more of these, in various colors. The three blue ones, that I made on Thursday, took me about 6 hours in all. I have enough spare "dangles" to make a 4th one, or maybe I'll end up making a rainbow one (wouldn't that be cool?)

My Secret Garden Collection - Butterflies singing the Blues
My Secret Garden Collection - White dove nesting
(those charms on the earrings are actually bird nests with eggs ^_^)
My Secret Garden Collection - Lil' blue bird in a lil' blue house
My Secret Garden Collection - Butterfly blooms
My Secret Garden Collection - Hearts and Roses

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Colors of Faith, what its all about.

When I first became a Christian, a little over a year ago, I came across what some people call the wordless book. This book was so simple. It had 5 pages, each a different color. I looked it up on the net, and I was hooked with the concept.

Each color represents something in Christianity. Some websites had added 2 extra colors, and this made perfect sense to me. Ever since, I've been making Colors of Faith jewelry, donating most of it, either to friends, or at our chapel's baptisms, and once to a complete stranger. You see, this method of "showing" you are a Christian is not only tasteful, but intriguing, and who knows it may open doors for the wearer to witness to the person asking questions about the jewelry piece in question.

So, here is what the colors actually stand for.

Black = Sin
Red = Blood of Christ
White = Purity (that we get through the blood of Christ)
Green = New growth in Christ
Blue = Baptism (Rebirth)
Purple = Majesty of Christ
Gold/Yellow = Represents the streets of Gold of Heaven, and also, especially, the Light of Christ as He guides our way.
Sometimes I add a clear bead, to represent the Holy Spirit.

Its simple, but it makes so much sense when you think about it!

God Bless!

New stuff for the craft show in Capreol (July 31st)

So, I've been seriously busy setting up the stuff on the awesome displays my dad made me. Time consuming, but quite worth it. My goal is to be completely ready to go by this Sunday (I'm making a dry run at his place, to see how portable (or not) the displays are. But of course, when inspiration strikes (in this case Lynn was my inspiration for the colors of Faith in this post) you strike while the iron is hot. So, enjoy the new pieces, they will be available at the Capreol show, and if they don't sell, in the store after.

also, Please keep Goldie in your prayers. She has a sore on one of her tumors. :(  I refuse to give up on her but... I fear the time is coming near.

Dance of the Blue Butterflies (This piece is sold, but I'd be happy to make you a similar one)
Colors of Faith set
This is part of a new collection I'm starting. "My Secret Garden", This one is Hearts and Roses.
This is part of a new collection I'm starting. "My Secret Garden", This one is called "Pink Butterflies"
Colors of Faith set
Colors of Faith earrings 
Colors of Faith earrings

I like these. Simple, dainty, but cute.

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Item in the store!

Hi there! Well I finally got around to posting some pictures, of which I sell prints of, in the store.

There's only a few right now, as I'm finishing inventorying all the jewelry items, but I do have about 150 pictures or so of which I'll offer prints, PLUS the artwork, which I DID have done in prints - and let me tell you, AWESOME!

I've been doing photography for since about '89 or so, took it in Visual Arts Concentration at the high school I went to, had the BEST photo teacher EVER! Ms. Claire Guillemette-Lamirande! I loved (and still do!) her to pieces! She I think, understood me better than I did myself, and saw a troubled teen and offered an "easy" way to resolve issues, and pushed me to better myself in photography. We did the whole thing then, dark room, roll your own negatives, develop them, blow up your prints (trying not to blow up the darkroom ;) I LOVED it. ONE day, I will have my own darkroom in my home. It was black and white then, the old manual 35mm. But it taught me a lot, and so did she. Thanks Claire! I will never forget you! :)

I've since moved on, to digital. I had a 12X kodak for a while. Broke after less than a year. So, I jumped at the chance to switch to a Canon Rebel XS, and the best part about this baby is, you CAN go manual, AND switch lenses! awesome! now if I can get my hands on a good zoom and a good macro, I'll be happy. :) I'm posting a couple of pics below. I've had some pretty good reviews of the stuff I've taken so far, and if anyone is looking for something particular, I'm happy to give it a shot!

For the past 2 years, I've also photographed the baptisms at my local chapel, and its a blast. The first year, I got dunked, I mean, baptised, but I still ended up taking over 500 shots (did I mention I'm a shutterbug?) this year, I kept it "in check", and only took 327. I know I know. LOL! I make a CD each year (a DVD actually), and hand it out to the people that were there, free of charge. The only reason I can do this, is through the grace of the Lord.

Enjoy the pics, and as usual, comments are welcome! If you'd like to purchase a print, please see the store, or email me if there's a picture that is not yet in the store. The prints are 4X6" - $5, 5X7" - $7, 8x10" - $15, 11x17"- $35 - Other sizes are available, prices vary on size. ^_^ Note that I normally (rarely) edit my pics with colors and special effects, but I've discovered Picasa, and well, I'm in love :)

The flowers for the most part are from my own flower beds, with a few exceptions (those would be from my neighbors). The geese and horses are not mine :) but the Dog is, that is my beloved Goldie. I think she was watching my father drive away. The butterfly was taken June 20th, 2009, on my baptism day. It won 1st prize in a weekly contest held in the Sudbury Star. ^_^

I'm always looking for places to take interesting pictures. So if you know somewhere that would have such opportunities, especially flowers, animals and wildlife, please let me know! This gorgeous horse, my friend and I got lost leaving my dad's place in Hanmer, and I turned on the wrong road. These guys came right up to the fence, (which was right by the road) and we got to pet them and everything. It was an awesome experience (I'm also a horse freak!) ^_^

Sunday, July 11, 2010

You know you have an awesome dad when...

My dad likes to make things. He's always adjusting, or building, or finagling on something. Well, I asked him to make me a display for my craft shows (after the disastrous layout of the last one). Here are some pics of what his Awesomeness came up with! :) Thanks Dad, you're awesome!

The black swivel things above and the white plastic thingy will come in very handily too, he found those at a great deal. The rest of the displays he made! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Next craft show!

Good day to you!
I know I know, its been a while! Well, let me just say, soy sauce and laptops do NOT mix ok? take it from me, its a very expensive lesson to learn (I stir fried the laptop!)

On to the good news! I'll be at a craft show in Capreol, July 31st, from 9:30am - 5pm. This show is also knows as Capreol days. I can't wait, and hope to see you there!